Friday, August 14, 2009


It's been a while since I've written anything here, so I've decided to write about a few things that are going on.

I started a diet a few days ago with the hopes of shedding some of the unwanted pounds I have. The diet incorporates an amino acid found in the placenta of a pregnant woman called hCG and seems to be a miracle diet. Give me 2 months and I'll tell you if it's true. The nice part is it requires no extra physical exertion, but it does require that you severely limit your caloric intake. It's mainly a test of willpower and whether you can go without the sugars and starches that we normally consume.

My other pet project right now is that I'm starting to do research for a book I would like to write. I have long been aware of many commonalities between the LGBT community and the LDS community, particularly regarding the persecution and evolution of attitudes in both communities. I haven't really started writing yet, but I'll give you an update once I start writing.

Lastly, I have everything booked to go to the National Equality March in October. If anyone else is planning on going, let me know. I fly there on Thursday the 8th and fly home on Tuesday the 13th.



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